Is Sillicon Valley innovation dead?

In Palo Alto the largest technology companies have generally been developed, I mean the Big Five like Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google and Microsoft. We all started from below, from a garage, a room or laboratory of the University where their founders studied. Then there were investors who felt that this idea and vision became giant companies worldwide, making them today in the titles of the technology industry.

How long before a new giant of the technology industry emerges?

The answer to this question can be difficult to answer if you want Google buy to YouTube, Facebook buy WhatsApp and Instagram, small businesses or solutions that were gradually emerging and making your value grow to offer yourself to the highest bidder. This measure is usually the most optimal in some cases, in others not, such is the case of Yahoo wanting to buy Facebook in its infancy.
The undertaking in Sillicon Valley is its number one feature, as always, providing the latest technological trends, and to date more and more ideas are presented, more and more start-ups emerge in different industries such as: Health, Food, E-Commerce, Security, Robots, Drones, AI (Artificial Intelligence), etc. The problem lies in the speed of changes in technology, for example, three or four years ago the trend of mobile and cloud and is maturing however everything is changing to artificial intelligence and biotechnology. This would cause an increase in risk for investors.

Our conclusions

As Mark Zuckerberg or Bill Gates would say, the most important thing for a correct endeavor is the adaptation to change as soon as possible and not only to the question of technology, but also to issues related to governmental and international issues. A good idea with perseverance becomes a giant company.